
Parking Location: Sleeping Village (3734 W Belmont Ave)

Day : Friday, May 17

Event Name: Com Truise (DJ set)

Event Info: “Repetition is a form of change,” reads one of Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies. Seth Haley knows the concept well, and his style of technicolour synth-wave takes the mantra as a challenge — how much emotion can one man convey through his machines? Six years ago, Galactic Melt introduced space traveller Com Truise and his journey through far-flung galaxies, before mini-epics Wave 1 and Silicon Tare expanded the story in further cosmic detail. And now Iteration concludes this sprawling saga. True to its name, the album is built on Com Truise hallmarks: neon-streaked melodies, big drums, robotic grooves, bleary nostalgia. But Iteration is also the most elegant and streamlined that Haley’s music has ever sounded. Such a clear refinement of the Com Truise sound took time to develop, but Iteration is well worth the patience and perseverance it cost. Some of Haley’s smartest, catchiest work is here, from the weightless pop heights of “Memory” to “Ternary”‘s lush synth-funk. A song like “Vacuume” somehow manages to balance massive bass swells and punishing drums with stuttering angelic gasps, and “Usurper” gracefully pairs subtle poignant melodies with uplifting dance beats. “For me, it feels like change,” Haley says of his second album, and yes, this is Com Truise like never before. By embracing the music’s inherent nature and peerless qualities, Iteration finds new avenues of expression in its vivid, familiar surroundings.

Ticket: $20 Advance / $25 Day of

Age: 21+

Door Open: 8pm

Event Timing: 9pm

Event Location: Metro

SKU: N/A Category:


Location: Sleeping Village


Additional information

Parking Duration

1 Hour, 2 Hours, 3 Hours, 4 Hours, 5 Hours, 6 Hours

Entrance Time

8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM

Event Name