Pelican * Djunah


Parking Location: 3730 N Clark St. Chicago, Illinois 60613


Event Name: Pelican * Djunah

Door Open: 7pm

Event Timing: 8pm

Event Location: Metro

RUSSIAN CIRCLES Pelican * Djunah

Across the span of their previous seven studio albums, Chicago based instrumental trio Russian Circles traversed a diverse topography of sounds, moods, and approaches with their limited armory of drums, bass, and guitar. It’s difficult to chart an evolution in their sound when their records have always felt like well curated playlists. It wasn’t uncommon to hear drone heavy meditations, dazzling prog exercises, knuckle dragging riff fests, haunting folk ballads, and tension baiting noise rock all within the span of one album. Still, it’s difficult to ignore the progression from the pensive and intricate melodies of Enter (2006) to the layered distorted dirges of Blood Year (2019). It’s been a gradual sonic shift owing to the band’s rigorous tour schedule and a predilection towards playing their more authoritative material on stage. Russian Circles always man age to eschew the varied terrain of their past work and bulldoze a path through the most tumultuous and harrowing territory of their sound.

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Location:3730 N Clark St. Chicago, Illinois 60613

Pelican * Djunah

Additional information

Parking Duration

1 Hour, 2 Hours, 3 Hours, 4 Hours, 5 Hours, 6 Hours

Entrance Time

8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM

Event Name

Pelican * Djunah